About the coronavirus measures of our clinic
Thank you for all ways visiting Aile chiropractic.
In response to the government declaration of a state of emergency, we will indicate below and continue to open our clinic. We will consider our mission and social condition, we will pay maximum attention and countermeasure to patients safety to COVIT-19.
・To shorten opening clinic time: 19:00 pm will be last reception.
・We will clean our clinic, every 3 hours using an antiseptic solution.
・Also, we use an antiseptic solution to clean the chiropractic table every time finish after the treatment.
・We'll make space for between reservation of treatment.
・Private treatment room for contact avoidance.
・We opening every door of the clinic for air ventilation.
We will continuously countermeasure pay attention to the notification from the Ministry of Health, and consideration global situation.
This coronavirus happening involves the whole world, made our living stunningly changed. But, we believe that we can win this battle. As we are chiropractor, we will give the best treatment to reduce people to suffer pain, and free out from stress that many people feeling in this changing world.
Hope the whole world as soon as possible going back to be normal as it was.
Warm heart to the whole world